San Carlos United Methodist Church Commercial Solar Installation
San Carlos United Methodist Church
Rick Doremus
San Carlos United Methodist Church Trustees
Project Overview:
San Carlos United Methodist Church in San Diego California requested that Absolutely Electric Inc provide a holistic solution energy efficiency solution to the campus, which includes a worship sanctuary, meeting and administration facilities, and a Preschool. AE and SCUMC Board Members Rick Dormus and Gregory Doucette identified a lighting and controls retrofit opportunity as well as candidacy for a Photovoltaic (Solar Power) System. Using third party Utility rebates and Incentives, AE designed and installed a new lighting system, almost entirely without cost to SCUMC. A few months later AE followed up with the design and construction of a Solar Power System sized to the reduced energy load. These steps, along with AE guidance to the proper Utility tariff and meter aggregation have resulted in SCUMC becoming a Net Zero Energy House of Worship.
Project Highlights:
- 30% of SCUMC’s energy usage was reduced with a LED Lighting Retrofit.
- 100% of SCUMC’s remaining energy usage is Solar Powered
- 50kW DC Solar System
- Uses SolarWorld and SolarEdge Panels and Inverters
- 96,200kWh generated or offset annually.
- Offsets 48 metric tons of CO2 annually
- Equal to 12 homes annual electrical use
- Equal to 2,405 trees’ ability to process CO2
- Designed and Built by Absolutely Electric In 2016.